26/11/2018, Social Dialogue Working Group, Brussels
In the final Social Dialogue meeting of the year, Intergraf joined colleagues from UNI Europa Graphical and the European Commission to discuss issues relating to the state of the industry, resources, major concerns, EU industrial policy, training for youth, employee engagement and attracting new workers to the industry. In a particularly interesting discussion, participants from Portugal, Italy, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Finland, Germany, Spain, Sweden and Croatia presented the economic situation in their countries. You can find a summary of this discussion in Intergraf’s most recent Newsflash.
27/11/2018, Keep Me Posted EU Steering Committee Meeting, Brussels
In preparation for the upcoming European elections and subsequently new Commission and Parliament, the organisers of the Keep Me Posted EU campaign met to review the successes of the campaign so far and plan for future actions. A further high-level meeting will take place next week to define the campaign strategy for the upcoming years.
29/11/2018, STS BREF meeting, Brussels
The final technical meeting is taking place from 10 to 14 December in Seville. Industry aligned its position on common issues. Considering the large range of industries covered by the BREF, some general techniques apply to some industries but not all. Industry is aiming at clarifying in the BREF which techniques apply to which industry to prevent competent authorities having to go through all techniques for all sectors.
05/12/2018, CheMI meeting, Brussels
The members of CheMI met to discuss among others the interface between REACH and waste legislation, nanomaterials, titanium dioxide, authorisation for chromium trioxide. Similar to Intergraf, other industries are confronted with price increases of chemical-based raw materials due to the stringent environmental policy in China.
• 10/12/2018, EU Ecolabel review webinars with European Commission
• 11/12/2018, Meeting with Managing Director of Circle Media Group NL
• 14/12/2018, Keep Me Posted EU High-Level Strategy Meeting, Brussels
• 17/12/2018, European Liaison Forum, Brussels
• 18/12/2018, Security Printers Committee Meeting, Brussels