Today we are delighted to announce a new, on-going collaboration with Intergraf (The European Federation for Print & Digital Communication). Every month Intergraf issue their Newsflash newsletter from their headquarters in Brussels. As part of our mission to promote communication between industry bodies, we are hosting these newsletters here as part of a regular series of news updates from our European colleagues.
See the link below to access the Intergraf Newsflash newsletter. Topics covered in the November newsletter include:
Intergraf news:
- Packaging Conference 2019: are you registered yet?
- Events
- Factsheets
EU news:
- Reduced VAT rates permitted on e-books and press
- Single Use Plastics Directive progressing quickly
Industry news:
- Putting industry at the core of the EU’s future
- Paper recycling in Europe reaches 72.3%
- Packaging Act regulates German printers
- Books important for the future in Germany
- Intergraf joins global print industry in China
- Promoting the image of print
Intergraf Newsflash – November 2018