There’s a lot going on in the world of packaging. At EU level, the new Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (PPWD) has just been published, and there’s much to discuss. Read on for our reaction, or register for our March event.
EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation proposal published On 30 November, the Commission presented a proposal to amend the current Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive and replace it with
a Regulation which means that the requirements will be directly applicable to all operators without
national interpretation. This secures a stronger harmonisation across Member States. In addition to prevention and minimisation requirements, the proposal provides minimum recycled content targets in plastic packaging. On recyclability, the assessment will be done on the basis of design for recycling
criteria, that will be developed by the Commission in secondary legislation per packaging category.
Recyclable content will be linked to a grade system (from A to E) which will be linked to the Extended
Producer Responsibility fees applicable to packaging producers. Non-recyclable packaging (grade
E) will not be allowed after 2030. The proposal also foresees a harmonised labelling system for
the disposal of packaging. Shaping the Future with Packaging, 9-10 March 2023.
The agenda for Shaping the Future with Packaging is filling up with some fantastic speakers, covering all corners of the European packaging industry. Participants will hear from our market research partner Smithers, the European Commission, and representatives from retail, brands, and advertising agencies.
Speakers include:
• Mattia Pellegrini, European Commission: developments in EU packaging legislation
• Tom Hallam, Smithers: trends and forecasts for the European packaging market
• Olga Munroe, Retail Institute, Leeds Beckett University
• Susanne Lippitsch, SL Design
• Peter Ragaert, Pack4Food, Ghent University
• Holy Grail 2.0 presentation from AIM or a project representative
More will be announced soon! We’re also very happy to welcome Joanna Stephenson, Founder of
PHD Marketing and a Director of FIA UK, as our moderator. Joanna is an expert on the print, packaging
and plastics industries, as well as a champion of women via Women In Packaging UK. We look forward to
her valuable insights.
Source – Intergraf November 2022