The Italian Trade Agency (ITA), Trade Promotion Section of the Italian Embassy in London, are supporting the
Print4All Conference 2019, the event that gathers together the complete sector of technology producers, converters/printers, influencers
ITA is organising a delegation of foreign press and it offers a Sponsored Trip Package which include:
- Travel – flights (OUT March 20th / IN March 22nd or 23rd) UK/Milan/UK;
- Accommodation – delegations will stay at Best Western Galles Hotel, Piazza Lima, 2 – Milano;
- Transfers – hotel/ Milano Trade Show /hotel;
A tentative agenda of the event is available at
If you are interested in attending this event, please complete and return to me the application form in the attachment. In the meantime, if you want to know more on this opportunity, do not hesitate to contact me.
Giorgia Prelaz
Assistant Trade Analyst
Instrumental Goods Dep.
My contact details are the following:
Tel: +44 20 7292 3910