Social Dialogue Working Group – Intergraf invitation

There will be a Social Dialogue Working Group meeting taking place at the Albert Borschette Congress Centre in Brussels on Monday 26th November to follow up on some of the topics discussed at the recent Plenary. I attach the draft agenda, for your information (this document is still being finalised so a further draft will be sent to participants in due course).


Should you wish  to attend this meeting, please let me know before the close of business tomorrow so I can register you in time. You must be registered by this deadline if you wish to be reimbursed by the Commission – reimbursement requests received after Tuesday will not be accepted.


Apologies for the short notice – as the plenary only recently took place, we did not have an agenda to share earlier. I hope some of you can still attend the meeting.


Kind regards,



Alison Grace

Communications & Social Affairs Officer



European Federation for Print & Digital Communication

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