This is either genius, or the first time direct mailing has engaged in chemical warfare. Possibly both. How do you get your direct mail noticed? Dowse it in cat crazy chemicals, then shove it through the letterbox, then let nature do the rest. I’m pretty sure the local fast food places have taken up this tactic. Either that, or my …
IKEA’s Killer App
IKEA take a light-hearted jab at the sort of breathlessly enthusiastic product announcements that typify the tech sector. Meanwhile us print types are left in the dark ages, with our reliable information and graphics solutions that never run out of juice, and in a pinch can be used to make a hat. Lets see you do that with a tablet. …
Hybrid Car Adverts
Remember when the iPad came out and all the pundits told us that print could hang up it’s apron and turn out the lights? From now on it was a Technicolor future of motion graphics, video magazines and the paperless workplace. We’re still waiting for that last one, but in the meantime the old and the new have found some …